Welcome to Ian Hardy Automotive. Hot Rods and Classic Vehicle Restoration, Modifications & Repairs.
Eco Detail, LLC, brings you an alternative to maintaining your vehicle's original interior and exterior paint and materials from the comfort of your home or office without the use of water! We use state of the art natural biodegradable products that are eco friendly, non-toxic and highly effective.
Coordinate care for Auto Injured Clients. We provide case Coordination, Attendant care and much more. Don't Wait Call today!
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NAPA AutoCare Center ASE certified
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Battery repair, reconditioning and reconstruction. We can take a battery and make it new again! We have a standard warranty on all batteries purchased from us. We repair, recondition, and reconstruct all kinds of batteries including golf cart batteries, marine batteries, truck batteries, forklift batteries and car batteries.
Offering genuine & aftermarket Land Rover parts & accessories to Atlantic Canada!

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